While setting up my OpenDaylight OVSDB and Devstack following the awesome instructions from Kyle Mestery, I thought it would be fun to run the latest OVS from source on my compute nodes...
To do this, execute the following commands on one of your compute nodes
before running stack.sh
sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install build-essential devscripts
gcc dkms make automake autoconf debhelper libssl-dev
pkg-config python-all python-qt4 python-zopeinterface
python-twisted-conch gdebi-core dh-autoreconf hardening-wrapper
libtool graphviz ipsec-tools module-assistant python-twisted-web
racoon git
git clone git://git.openvswitch.org/openvswitch
cd openvswitch
dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc -nc
cd ..
Once you’ve built the .deb
’s you can copy these to your other compute
nodes using scp
scp *.deb ubuntu@devstack-compute2:
Replace ubuntu
with your username and devstack-compute2
with the
name or IP address of your other compute nodes.
Finally we can install the packages as follows:
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
At the time of writing this will build Open vSwitch 2.1.90. You can check the version as follows:
sudo ovs-vsctl --version
Which will give the following output
ovs-vsctl (Open vSwitch) 2.1.90
Compiled Jan 16 2014 15:18:45
Huge thanks to @FlorianOtel for his help with Devstack!